“Till Porn Do Us Part? Longitudinal Effects of Pornography Use on Divorce.”

In many of the counseling sessions I have done with couples, there have been few that have been unaffected by the use of pornography by one or both parties in the relationship.  In many cases, my clients explain the seemingly harmless and perhaps casual viewing of pornography, eventually leads to a magnetic pull they eventually feel helpless to resist. Pornography has an allure that is attractive at first and toxic in the end.  As a therapist for individuals with pornography addiction, this article caught my eye – mostly because the study referenced literally quantifies what I think most of us could easily assume, but you decide.  


For help with pornography addiction contact Pathways FMHS: 936-238-3868.

By: Rick Nauert PhD. American Sociological Association. (2016, August 22). Beginning pornography use associated with increase in probability of divorce. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 23, 2016 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160822083354.htm