Pathways Forensic & Mental Health Services
Under the clinical direction of Dr. V. Jean Stanley, the mental health assessment and treatment services offered through Pathways Forensic & Mental Health Services in Lufkin and Nacogdoches Texas center on the following belief: In most cases, people can change for the better if they choose to do so; and, although some situations are beyond one’s control, chosen responses to those circumstances are not.
With this in mind, Pathways FMHS offers a cognitive-based, non-judgmental approach to counseling individuals, married couples, parents, co-parents, children, and families in need of professional help to navigate difficult life circumstances. Others with chronic or occasional mental health concerns may also find help with managing symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, or other conditions that may impair one’s quality of life. Addiction counseling is available to assist clients who reach out for help with various forms of addiction, whether they are behavioral addictions such as pornography, sex, or gambling; or, those that involve ingesting substances such as alcohol or drug addiction. In either case, the utility of cognitive-based therapy (CBT), which Pathways FMHS embraces, identifies problematic beliefs and thought patterns, then seeks to help clients correct those patterns as a means to a more empowering and emotionally healthy lifestyle that reflects better coping and improved decision making.
CBT is particularly effective when working with members of the offender population. Court-mandated counseling for those ordered to anger management, substance abuse, and sex offender counseling is also available through Pathways FMHS. With offender counseling, using cognitive-based treatment methods provides offenders with new thinking tools that enable them to choose a more pro-social lifestyle despite prior criminal patterns. Pathways FMHS also offers a wide range of forensic (court-related) assessments relative to pre-trial, sexual risk, sentence mitigation, anger, parenting, and child custody, in addition to expert testimony in criminal and family law proceedings. Similar services are available for adolescents involved with the juvenile justice system. Sexual offenders approved by the Council on Sex Offender Treatment (CSOT) to be evaluated for removal from the Texas sex offender registry may also contact Dr. Stanley, who is certified by CSOT as one of approximately 20 Deregistration Evaluation Specialists in the State of Texas. Trial consultation services for criminal or civil proceedings are also available.
Mental Health Services include:
- Relationships Issues
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Adolescent Issues
- Alcohol and/or other Drug Addictions
- Blended Family Issues
- Recovery from Sexual or Emotional Abuse
- Financial Stress
- Intimacy, Commitment, or Relationship Issues
- Depression
- Stress and Anxiety
- Personal Growth
- Family Functioning
- Separation, Divorce, Child Custody
- Thoughts and Feelings about Suicide or Self-harm
- Grief and Loss
- Child Behavioral Issues
- Parenting Issues/Concerns
- Anger or Thoughts of Violence
- Anger Management
Thank you again for stopping by our website. If you have any questions about mental health services, please feel free to contact us or call 936-238-3868 at your convenience.